
The dictionary allows the translation of 1500 words of the lightweight and metal constructions vocabulary into five different languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish. Pleas select your language. Afterwards please select the letter and then the word you want to translate. You got the translations in the four other languages

  • french: domaine m de validité
  • german: Geltungsbereich m
  • italian: campo m di validità
  • spanish: campo m de validez; dominio m - -
  • french: plage f
  • german: Untergurt m
  • italian: piattabanda f inferiore
  • spanish: ala f inferior
  • french: valeur f
  • german: Wert m
  • italian: valore m
  • spanish: valor m
  • french: point m de vaporisation
  • german: Verdampfungspunkt m
  • italian: punto m di vaporizzazione
  • spanish: punto m de evaporación
  • french: variable f
  • german: Veränderliche f
  • italian: variabile f
  • spanish: variable f
  • french: variante f
  • german: Abweichung f
  • italian: variante f
  • spanish: variante f
  • french: faîtière f ventilée
  • german: belüftete Firstkappe f
  • italian: colmo m ventilato
  • spanish: teja f de ventilación
  • french: volet m d'aération
  • german: Belüftungsklappe f
  • italian: imposta f di ventilazione
  • spanish: registro m de ventilación
  • french: ventilation f; aération f
  • german: Belüftung f
  • italian: ventilazione f
  • spanish: ventilación f; aireación f
  • french: capot m d'aération; chatière f
  • german: Belüftungshaube f
  • italian: capote f di ventilazione
  • spanish: sombrerete m de ventilación
  • french: plaque f de ventilation
  • german: Belüftungsplatte f
  • italian: piastra f di ventilazione
  • spanish: placa f de ventilación
  • french: bande f de rive
  • german: Endschliessband n
  • italian: scosalina f di lato
  • spanish: junta f de borde
  • french: vérification f
  • german: Nachprüfung f
  • italian: verifica f
  • spanish: verificación f; comprobación f
  • french: vertical
  • german: lotrecht
  • italian: verticale
  • spanish: vertical
  • french: vibration f
  • german: Erschütterung f; Schwingung f
  • italian: vibrazione f
  • spanish: vibración f
  • french: étau m
  • german: Schraubstock m
  • italian: morsa f
  • spanish: tornillo m de banco
  • french: vide m
  • german: Lücke f; Hohlraum m
  • italian: vuoto m
  • spanish: hueco m; vacío m