
The dictionary allows the translation of 1500 words of the lightweight and metal constructions vocabulary into five different languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish. Pleas select your language. Afterwards please select the letter and then the word you want to translate. You got the translations in the four other languages

  • french: limite f de rupture
  • german: Bruchgrenze f
  • italian: limite m di rottura
  • spanish: límite m de rotura
  • french: acier m non allié
  • german: unlegierter Stahl m
  • italian: acciaio m non legato
  • spanish: acero m sin aleación
  • french: face f inférieure
  • german: Unterseite f
  • italian: superficie f inferiore
  • spanish: cara f inferior
  • french: dimension f inférieure à la normale
  • german: Untermaß n
  • italian: dimensione f al di sotto de la normale
  • spanish: dimensión f inferior a la normal
  • french: uniforme
  • german: gleichmäßig
  • italian: uniforme
  • spanish: uniforme; igualado
  • french: unité f
  • german: Einheit f
  • italian: unità f
  • spanish: unidad f
  • french: poussée f verticale; levage m
  • german: Auftrieb m
  • italian: spinta f verticale; sollevamento m
  • spanish: empuje m vertical; elevación f