
The dictionary allows the translation of 1500 words of the lightweight and metal constructions vocabulary into five different languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish. Pleas select your language. Afterwards please select the letter and then the word you want to translate. You got the translations in the four other languages

  • french: qualité f
  • german: Güte f; Qualität f
  • italian: qualità f
  • spanish:
  • french: indice m de qualité
  • german: Gütezahl f
  • italian: indice m di qualità
  • spanish: indice m de calidad
  • french: vieillissement m par trempe
  • german: Abschreckalterung f
  • italian: invecchiamento m di tempra
  • spanish: curado m al temple; proceso m - -
  • french: trempe f
  • german: Abschrecken n; Härten n
  • italian: tempra f
  • spanish: temple m