
The dictionary allows the translation of 1500 words of the lightweight and metal constructions vocabulary into five different languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish. Pleas select your language. Afterwards please select the letter and then the word you want to translate. You got the translations in the four other languages

  • french: clou m
  • german: Nagel m
  • italian: chiodo m
  • spanish: clavo m
  • french: plaque f de constructeur
  • german: Firmenschild n; Namenschild n
  • italian: targa f di fabbrica
  • spanish: rótulo m del constructor
  • french: fréquence f propre
  • german: Eigenfrequenz f
  • italian: frequenza f propria
  • spanish: frecuencia f propia
  • french: négligeable
  • german: vernachlässigbar
  • italian: trascurabile
  • spanish: neglicible
  • french: négociable
  • german: verkäuflich
  • italian: negoziabile
  • spanish: negociable
  • french: emboîter
  • german: inaneinanderstecken; einschachteln
  • italian: incastrare
  • spanish: empotrar; embutir
  • french: prix m net; coût m
  • german: Selbstkosten npl; Gestehungskosten npl
  • italian: prezzo m netto
  • spanish: precio m de coste
  • french: poids m net
  • german: Nettogewicht n
  • italian: peso m netto
  • spanish: peso m neto
  • french: largeur f utile
  • german: Nutzbreite f
  • italian: larghezza f utile
  • spanish: ancho m útil
  • french: axe m neutre
  • german: Spannungsnullinie f
  • italian: asse m neutro
  • spanish: eje m neutro
  • french: fibre f neutre
  • german: neutrale Faser f
  • italian: fibra f neutra
  • spanish: fibra f neutra
  • french: nickelage m
  • german: Vernickelung f
  • italian: nichelatura f
  • spanish: niquelado m
  • french: noeud m
  • german: Knoten m; Knotenpunkt m
  • italian: nodo m
  • spanish: nudo m
  • french: nomenclature f
  • german: Nomenklatur f; Stückliste f
  • italian: nomenclatura f
  • spanish: nomenclatura f; identificación f
  • french: diamètre m nominal
  • german: Nenndurchmesser m
  • italian: diametro m nominale
  • spanish: diámetro m nominal
  • french: dimension f nominale
  • german: Nennmaß n; Sollmaß n
  • italian: dimensione f nominale
  • spanish: dimensón f nominal
  • french: charge f nominale
  • german: Nennlast f
  • italian: carico m nominale
  • spanish: carga f nominal
  • french: valeur f nominale
  • german: Nennwert m
  • italian: valore m nominale
  • spanish: valor m nominal
  • french: abaque m; nomogramme m;
  • german: Nomogramm n
  • italian: abaco m; nomogramma m
  • spanish: ábaco m; nomograma m
  • french: métal m non ferreux
  • german: Nichteisenmetall n
  • italian: metallo m non ferroso
  • spanish: metal m no férrico
  • french: effort m normal
  • german: Normalkraft f
  • italian: forza f normale
  • spanish: esfuerzo m normal
  • french: entaille f; encoche f
  • german: Einschnitt m
  • italian: intaglio m
  • spanish: ranura f; entalladura f
  • french: résilience f
  • german: Kerbschlagzähigkeit f
  • italian: resilienza f
  • spanish: resiliencia f
  • french: sensibilité f à l'effet d'entaille
  • german: Kerbschlag-empfindlichkeit f
  • italian: sensibilità f all'effetto di intaglio
  • spanish: sensitividad f a la entalladura
  • french: résilience f
  • german: Kerbschlagzähigkeit f
  • italian: resilienza f
  • spanish: resiliencia f
  • french: avis m; notice f
  • german: Hinweis m; Notiz f
  • italian: avviso m; comunicazione f
  • spanish: aviso m; noticia f
  • french: notification f
  • german: Meldung f; Ankündigung f
  • italian: notificazione f
  • spanish: notificación f
  • french: écrou m
  • german: Schraubemutter f
  • italian: dado m
  • spanish: tuerca f