
The dictionary allows the translation of 1500 words of the lightweight and metal constructions vocabulary into five different languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish. Pleas select your language. Afterwards please select the letter and then the word you want to translate. You got the translations in the four other languages

  • french: contreventement m en K
  • german: K-Verband m
  • italian: controventatura f a K
  • spanish: contraviento m en (forma de) K
  • french: quille f
  • german: Kiel m
  • italian: chiglia f
  • spanish: cuña f; quilla f
  • french: clé f
  • german: Schlüssel m
  • italian: chiave f
  • spanish: llave f
  • french: entaille f en trou de serrure
  • german: Schlüssellochkerbe f
  • italian: intaglio m a buco di chiave
  • spanish: entalladura f en ojo de cerradura
  • french: aiguille f; poinçon m de faîte
  • german: Firstsäule f
  • italian: monaco m (di capriata)
  • spanish: pendolón m
  • french: clé f pendante pour comble
  • german: Dachstuhlsäule f
  • italian: . . . di colmo
  • spanish: clave f de bóveda
  • french: coude f
  • german: Knie f; Kniestück n
  • italian: gomito m
  • spanish: codo m
  • french: poignée f de porte
  • german: Türklinke f; Türgriff m
  • italian: manopola f
  • spanish: manubrio m
  • french: desassembler
  • german: abbauen; demontieren
  • italian: smontare
  • spanish: desmontar
  • french: noeud m
  • german: Knoten m
  • italian: nodo m
  • spanish: nudo m