
The dictionary allows the translation of 1500 words of the lightweight and metal constructions vocabulary into five different languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish. Pleas select your language. Afterwards please select the letter and then the word you want to translate. You got the translations in the four other languages

  • french: vérin m
  • german: Hubspindel f
  • italian: binda f; martinetto m
  • spanish: gato m;cric m
  • french: jambage m; montant m
  • german: Pfosten m; Pfeiler m
  • italian: montante m; pilastro m
  • spanish: jamba f; montante m
  • french: bandeau m de chambranle
  • german: Türstockverkleidung f
  • italian: scossalina f di chambrana;
  • spanish: junta f de marco
  • french: cahier m des charges; document m de soumission
  • german: Lastenheft n;
  • italian: capitolato m d'oneri; condizioni fpl del contratto
  • spanish: pliego m de condiciones; documento m - -
  • french: coller
  • german: kleben
  • italian: incollare
  • spanish: pegar; encolar
  • french: joindre; unir; assembler
  • german: verbinden
  • italian: unire; giuntare
  • spanish: unir; juntar; ensamblar
  • french: caoutchouc m pour garnitures
  • german: Dichtungsgummi m; n
  • italian: gomma f per guarnizioni
  • spanish: junquillo m de caucho
  • french: joint m de dilatation
  • german: Dehnungsfuge f
  • italian: giunto m di dilatazione
  • spanish: junta f de dilatación
  • french: joint m de montage
  • german: Montagestoß m
  • italian: giunto m di montaggio
  • spanish: junta f de montaje
  • french: joint m à bride
  • german: Flanschverbindung f
  • italian: giunto m a flangia
  • spanish: unión f con brida
  • french: joint m rigide
  • german: starre Verbindung f
  • italian: giunto m rigido
  • spanish: junta f rígida
  • french: joint m à recouvrement
  • german: Laschenstoß m
  • italian: giunto m a sovrapposizione
  • spanish: junta f con recubrimiento; engatillado m
  • french: assemblage m; joint m
  • german: Verbindung f; Anschluß m
  • italian: collegamento m; giunto
  • spanish: conexión f; junta f; empalme m
  • french: solive f
  • german: Deckenträger m
  • italian: travetura f
  • spanish: jácena f; viga f maestra
  • french: poutrelle f
  • german: Profilträger m;
  • italian: trave f; putrela f
  • spanish: vigueta f;dintel m; travesaño m