
The dictionary allows the translation of 1500 words of the lightweight and metal constructions vocabulary into five different languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish. Pleas select your language. Afterwards please select the letter and then the word you want to translate. You got the translations in the four other languages

  • french: planche f à recouvrement
  • german: Deckbrett n
  • italian: tavola f di ricoprimento
  • spanish: tabla f de recubrimiento; solapada f
  • french: habillage m de gouttière
  • german: Traufverkleidung f
  • italian: scossalina f di grondaia
  • spanish: junta f de canalón
  • french: gouttière f; chéneau m
  • german: Regenrinne f; Dachrinne f
  • italian: grondaia f; conversa f
  • spanish: canalón m
  • french: sablière f
  • german: Traufpfette f
  • italian: trave f di bordo
  • spanish: biga f de borde
  • french: embout m de gouttière
  • german: Traufabschluß m
  • italian: chiusura f di grondaia; testiera f
  • spanish: final m de canalón; tapón m- -
  • french: excentrement m
  • german: Außermittigkeit f
  • italian: eccentricità f
  • spanish: excentricidad f
  • french: bord m; arête f
  • german: Kante f
  • italian: bordo m; spigolo m
  • spanish: borde m; canto m
  • french: pince f
  • german: Randabstand m
  • italian: pinza f
  • spanish: distancía f hasta el borde; pestaña f
  • french: finition f de rive
  • german: Kantenschutz m
  • italian: finitura f de margine
  • spanish: acabado m de borde
  • french: poutre f de rive
  • german: Randträger m
  • italian: trave f di estremità
  • spanish: viga f de borde
  • french: plaque f de rive
  • german: Randplatte f
  • italian: piastra f di estremità
  • spanish: placa f de borde
  • french: bord m libre
  • german: freie Kante f
  • italian: bordo m libero
  • spanish: borde m libre
  • french: bord m supérieur
  • german: Oberkante f
  • italian: bordo m superior
  • spanish: canto m superior
  • french: bord m relevé
  • german: hochgezogene Kante f
  • italian: bordo m innalzato
  • spanish: borde m levantado
  • french: section f utile
  • german: nutzbarer Querschnitt m
  • italian: sezione f utile
  • spanish: sección f útil
  • french: longueur f deflambement
  • german: Knicklänge f
  • italian: lunghezza f diingobbamento
  • spanish: longitud f de pandeo; - efectiva
  • french: efflorescence f(rouille blanche)
  • german: Ausblühung f
  • italian: efflorescenza f
  • spanish: eflorescencia f
  • french: analyse f en élasticité
  • german: Elastizitätsberechnung f
  • italian: calcolo m elastico
  • spanish: cálculo m elástico
  • french: calcul m en élasticité
  • german: Elastizitätsberechnung f
  • italian: calcolo m elastico
  • spanish: cálculo m elástico
  • french: élévation f
  • german: Aufriß m; Ansicht f
  • italian: alzata f
  • spanish: alzado m; elevación f
  • french: allongement m
  • german: Dehnung f
  • italian: allungamento m
  • spanish: alargamiento m
  • french: fragilisation f
  • german: Versprödung f
  • italian: infragilimento m
  • spanish: fragilización f
  • french: travée f de rive cadre m d'extrémité
  • german: Endfeld n; Endrahmen m
  • italian: campate f di riva telaio m d'estremità
  • spanish: vano mfinal; tramo m -,pórtico m de borde; - final
  • french: plaque f d'extrémité
  • german: Endplatte f
  • italian: piastra f d'estremità
  • spanish: placa f de final
  • french: raidisseur m d'extrémité
  • german: Endaussteifung f
  • italian: elemento m di irrigidimento d'estremità
  • spanish: rigidizador m de final
  • french: moment m d'encastrement
  • german: Einspannmoment n
  • italian: momento m d'incastro
  • spanish: momento m de empotramiento
  • french: rupture f d'endurance
  • german: Dauerbruch m
  • italian: rottura f di fatica
  • spanish: rotura f por fatiga
  • french: conditions fpl d'environnement;- agressives; industrielles;- industrielles sévères; - en bord de mer;- marines;- rurales - urbaines
  • german: Umgebungs-bedingungen fpl;aggressive -; industrielle -;verschärfte ...;- marin; meeresküste...;ländliche - - ; Rural- städtische -
  • italian: condizioni fpl ambiente - aggressive; - industriale - industriale severe; - in bordo de mare; - in ambiente marino; - rurale; - urbane
  • spanish: condiciones fpl del entorno; - ambientes;- agresivas - industriales;- industriales severas - cerca del mar; - marinas;- rurales; - urbanas
  • french: bâtiment m industriel sous contrôle des conditions d'environnement
  • german: Industriegebäude n unter Überwachung der Umgebungs-bedingungen
  • italian: edificio mindustriale sotto controlle delle condizioni ambiente
  • spanish: edificio m industrial control de las condiciones ambientales
  • french: équipement m
  • german: Ausrüstung f
  • italian: impianto m
  • spanish: instalación f; equipo m
  • french: montage m
  • german: Zusammenbau m; Montage f
  • italian: montaggio m
  • spanish: montaje m
  • french: boulon m de montage
  • german: Montageschraube f
  • italian: bullone m di montaggio
  • spanish: perno m de montaje
  • french: métal m déployé
  • german: Streckmetall n
  • italian: lamiera f stirata
  • spanish: metal m desplegado
  • french: dilatation f
  • german: Dilatation f; Wärmedehnung f
  • italian: dilatazione f
  • spanish: dilatación f
  • french: joint m de dilatation
  • german: Dehnungsfuge f
  • italian: giunto m di dilatazione
  • spanish: junta f de dilatación
  • french: extension f; prolongement m
  • german: Verlängerung f; Erweiterung f
  • italian: estensione f prolungamento m
  • spanish: extensión f; alargamiento m
  • french: toit m en surplomb
  • german: Kragdach n
  • italian: tetto m a strapiombo
  • spanish: alero m; voladizo m
  • french: valeur f extrême
  • german: äusserster Wert m
  • italian: valore m estremo
  • spanish: valor m máximo